Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Commissioners Keep District Residence Requirements

At its meeting on July 22, the Board voted to deny the proposal eliminating all District residency requirements for Commissioners. The recommendation (please seen item dated July 15, 2008 below) to have all members of the Board elected as “At-Large” Commissioners was rejected (the current Town Ordinance will remain unchanged). The next Town election in November 2009 will be for Mayor, a council member residing in District 2, one in District 4, and one “At-Large” member (residing anywhere in Morrisville).

The Board did vote to change its designation from a “Board of Commissioners” to a “Town Council.” Effective September 1, the Commissioners will be known as Council Members.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Should We Eliminate District Residence Requirements for Commissioners?

The Morrisville Board of Commissioners is considering eliminating the current format of district representation and changing to an all “At-Large” mode for electing Board Members. The Board is looking for your input on this issue prior to their vote on July 22, 2008.

Currently, the Board consists of four district seats, who must reside in the district that they represent, two At-Large seats, who may reside anywhere within the town limits, and a Mayor, who is also At-Large. During an election, however, all residents can vote for all available seats on the Board, regardless of whether they are district-based or at-large. Also, regardless of any initial district designation, Commissioners are responsible for representing ALL of Morrisville. If this resolution is approved by the Board on July 22, district designations would be eliminated starting with the next election, and every Board member would be At-Large, meaning that they could live anywhere within Morrisville’s town limits.

Our next Town election is November 2009. The Mayor and three of the Commissioner seats are up for election. Under the proposed change, the three candidates receiving the greatest number of votes would be elected Commissioners. It is possible that all three elected may reside in the same district.

If unchanged for 2009, the current system would require that one Commissioner reside in District 2, one in District 4, and one be At-Large (reside anywhere in Morrisville). Under this setup there is a greater possibility that one or two candidates may run unopposed for their District.

Citizens can weigh in on this issue by emailing the Board at

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vision of Morrisville

In a speech at the Chamber of Commerce, Morrisville’s Mayor promoted the commercial development of retail “big box” stores, offices, apartments and restaurants. We don’t believe that this vision is shared by the majority of residents. It is contrary to our Town’s “Mission” and “Vision” Statements, which is “dedicated to preserving quality of life” and to “preserve small-town values.” Also, it is not supported by Morrisville’s limited road, water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure.

Morrisville’s commercial development of 43% far exceeds surrounding neighborhoods: Cary 26%, Apex 18%, Raleigh 29%, Wake Forest 20%, and Holly Springs 9%. With recent Board approvals, rental apartments will soon exceed owner-occupied residences. Many perceive the Board has “never finding a development it didn’t like.” Morrisville is only about 10 square miles. How many high-density commercial services, stores, offices and apartment buildings can we squeeze in? This is not community building, and it is not acceptable.

Morrisville’s great appeal is primarily as a residential community of attractive one-family homes in highly desirable neighborhoods. Within minutes, we provide access to all services. We are in close proximity to major employment centers, prime recreational facilities and key transportation hubs and arteries. Our residents in owner-occupied homes provide a vital and sizeable tax base. Maintaining and enhancing Morrisville as a prime residential community is the “vision” we should be seeking.